Our Adobe Summit 2024 Experience: The MarTech Recap and Key Takeaways 

Project 3 at Adobe Summit: Our MarTech Experience

Our journey through Adobe Summit 2024 was nothing short of exhilarating, showcasing the forefront of digital marketing innovation. From rubbing elbows with key industry leaders to letting loose at AREA15 with DJ Diesel, the event left us inspired and invigorated. Here are some key insights and highlights from our experience:

Embracing the Energy of Adobe Summit

Project 3 walking to Adobe Summit

Every year, the Project 3 Consulting team embarks on an exciting journey to Vegas to attend the Adobe Summit, and this year’s event was nothing short of amazing. From the moment we stepped into the bustling atmosphere of the Venetian, it was clear that this year’s Summit had drawn an even larger crowd than before. Amidst the sea of red and purple Adobe passes, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement for innovation and digital evolution, setting the stage for an unforgettable journey of discovery.

Setting up a Basic Adobe Analytics Implementation

Fueling Conversations with Coffee in the Early Morning

Project 3 handing out free Starbucks coffee

Coffee became our secret recipe for sparking meaningful conversations and turning strangers into friends. By donning our bright green “Ask Me About Ranch” t-shirts and handing out complimentary Starbucks gift cards to over 200 Adobe Summit attendees, we not only fueled their energy during the bright and early Vegas morning (7:00 AM 🥱) but also created wonderful networking opportunities. Here’s a shoutout to everyone we had the pleasure to speak with at Summit! 

Outside of Starbucks at Venetian

Scotty and Alyssa giving out free Starbucks gift cards and talking about the latest trends in MarTech.

Journeying Through Acronym Acropolis

While strolling down the strip, we couldn’t help but notice the myriad of familiar acronyms adorning casino signs and venues, including AI, AEP, AEM, and CJA. While we’re familiar with these acronyms, it’s interesting to wonder if all these letters might seem like some sort of mangled alphabet soup to a non-MarTech Vegas visitor. These acronyms practically became the unofficial language of Adobe Summit.

This year’s top acronym (and no surprise here) was AI. Generative AI, to be precise. It’s been one year since the launch of Adobe Firefly, and the improvements have been quite dramatic. The ability to prompt an illustration and then use your own image as a structural reference is absolutely mind-blowing. Using this tool, users will be less likely to get some strange variance (like a six-finger hand) that has been problematic since the debut of AI.

Of course, there was plenty of buzz with Adobe AI Assistance being built into the Adobe Experience Platform. Rather than confining itself to a single application, Adobe has empowered its AI Assistant to traverse across solutions within the Experience Platform. This allows the AI Assistant to orchestrate cross-application workflows, automating tasks such as generating audience segments and providing answers to customer inquiries.

We were also impressed by the stat from Emma Springham, Chief Marketing Officer of TSB Bank in Europe. They were the first European financial service to integrate the Adobe Experience Platform. Once they activated 1-to-1 personalization for loans, mobile channel sales skyrocketed by 300%. It just shows that using the latest MarTech really does pay off in the long run, and in this example, in the short run.

Drawing Inspiration from Industry Leaders

Keynote speeches from industry luminaries such as Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen, Pfizer’s Lidia Fonseca, and Delta’s Ed Bastian left a lasting impression, underscoring the transformative power of leadership and innovation.Their insights resonated deeply, inspiring us to push the boundaries of what’s possible in our field.

Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen and Delta's Ed Bastian

Some of the keynote highlights from these speakers include the following:

  • Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen highlighted significant technological advancements over the past year, focusing on breakthroughs in devices, space exploration, computing, and AI integration into workflows. He introduced Adobe Firefly, a suite of generative AI models seamlessly integrated across Adobe’s applications, which received positive feedback from users. Additionally, Narayen discussed the evolution of customer experience management (CXM) and emphasized AI’s transformative potential in delivering personalized experiences and streamlining workflows, aiming to optimize content delivery and performance across various channels.
  • Pfizer achieved a milestone by treating over 618 million people and securing a record number of FDA approvals in 2023. Collaborating with Adobe, Pfizer generated a substantial amount of content for physicians, patients, and families across 140 markets and multiple languages through marketing channels. With an ambitious goal of producing five times more content with half the effort and lower costs, Pfizer utilized Adobe Stack and Generative AI to achieve this objective effectively.
  • Delta’s partnership with Adobe allows passengers to participate in loyalty programs and earn rewards without extensive travel. This initiative aims to double Delta’s loyalty base by 2026, providing greater flexibility and accessibility to customers.

Workfront’s Integration into the Adobe Ecosystem

The opening day of Adobe Summit showcased a remarkable surge in interest for Workfront sessions, indicating a high demand for the work management tool since Adobe’s acquisition in 2020. We think this surge aligns with the increasing need among marketing teams for comprehensive project management solutions as they grapple with the rapid pace of content creation facilitated by generative AI. Adobe’s strategy of embedding Workfront functionalities into various products reflects a broader trend towards interconnected components, streamlining end-to-end automation and workflow optimization.

Adding Tanginess to Analytics 

Just like a tangy ranch dressing improves upon the flavor of almost any dish, analytics should add depth and flavor to your marketing strategies. We found ourselves engaged in numerous discussions about analytics and how it can benefit businesses in several ways, including the ability to understand customer behavior, optimizing digital experiences, measuring marketing effectiveness, and segmenting audiences based on data.

Project 3 Founder Scotty and Business Development Dave meet in front of Adobe Summit

The team had a blast, and of course, the topic of ranch dressing came up quite often too!

Shaq’s Legendary Presence with His Not So Legendary Take on Data Analytics

Shaq at Summit 2024

Shaquille O’Neal’s presence at the Summit was truly legendary. Whether captivating the audience on stage at Sneaks or DJing at the Bash, Shaq brought a unique excitement that left a lasting impression on attendees. Despite his entertaining persona, when asked about his thoughts on data analytics, he didn’t quite understand the concept. We hope he has a skilled marketing team well-versed in data analytics to support his brands. Alternatively, perhaps he could reach out to us for assistance?

Later in the evening, we made our way to AREA15 for the Adobe Bash party, where Shaq transformed into his alter-ego, DJ Diesel, and treated us to some incredible EDM beats. This surreal experience was truly unforgettable!

DJ Diesel at Adobe Bash in AREA15

Indulging Like Royalty at Summit

Belgium Waffles at Sugercane

In Vegas, when we eat, we truly feast. This year, we took our culinary experiences to new heights, enjoying everything from succulent steaks at Casanova to fresh sushi at Sushisamba, and delectable Belgium Waffles at Sugarcane.

Sorry, the sushi at Sushisamba was so good that we forgot to take a picture before devouring it.

You can’t go wrong with pasta at Delmonico inside the Venetian. 😋

Banana cream pie from Delmonico

Just take a look at this delectable banana cream pie, also from Delmonico—it’s enough to make us want to go back already.  

You could say our Summit experience was fueled not only by MarTech knowledge but also by the delightful cuisine of Las Vegas!

Reconnecting and Building New Connections 

One of the most rewarding aspects of attending Adobe Summit is the opportunity to reconnect with past colleagues and make new connections. After all, it’s the interactions with people that make the event truly special. From impromptu coffee meetups to lively networking sessions, we cherished every moment spent connecting with fellow MarTech enthusiasts.

Dave chatting with another MarTech aficionado at Adobe Summit 2024

The addition of QR codes on the back of our team’s shirts proved to be a brilliant idea, as it encouraged others to approach us. Another innovative approach was Dave’s ingenious idea to transform into a walking billboard with his graphical LED screen backpack, promoting Project 3 and facilitating even more connections.

Whether we’re reminiscing about past projects or brainstorming ideas for future collaborations, these moments of camaraderie are what truly make the Summit experience special.

Project 3 Team with Sentinel Insights at Top Golf

We hope to see you at next year’s Adobe Summit!   

We Can Help You with Your MarTech Journey

As we reflect on our Summit experience, we’re more committed than ever to helping businesses navigate the complexities of MarTech and the Adobe Stack. If you’re ready to enhance your digital experiences and explore new possibilities for your business, reach out to Project 3 Consulting today. Let’s craft this MarTech journey together and bring in new possibilities for your business. 

Optimize your MarTech Stack
Top 5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Using Google Analytics 4

Top 5 Pitfalls to Avoid When Using Google Analytics 4

As digital marketers and data enthusiasts, we understand the critical role of accurate analytics in driving business success. Since its launch in 2020, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has become an essential tool for gaining deep insights into user behavior across multiple...

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